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100 TNT BARREL (Only Requires Account Hashtags) (Via Trade)

  • Price
    US$ 0.61 / 1
  • Stock
    1 × 988881
  • Item
    TNT Barrel
  • Delivery
    1440 minutes
Purchases after 23.00 Jakarta Time, Indonesia, will continue in the afternoon at 14.00 Thanks
  • Quantity
    × 1
    Quantity is out of range
    Purchase range: 1 ~ 9999
  • Character
    Please fill in this field.
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    Please fill in this field.
  • Farm TAG
    Please fill in this field.
  • Total Price
    US$ 0.61
Pro Seasoned Seller
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  • Average Delivery Time
  • Last Active Time
    1hr min ago
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Item Description

Please pay attention to the rules below before purchasing

1. Please Include Garden Tag (You Can Find It On Friend Book).
2. We Will Send Friend Requests.
3. Accept The Friend Request On Friend Book.
4. Visit Our Farm, Then You Can Take The Items On Roadside Shop.
5. For Coins Transactions Use Manual Buy and Sell Trade

Purchases after 23.00 Jakarta Time, Indonesia, will continue in the afternoon at 14.00 Thanks

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  • Customer Satisfaction 0%
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