How can I rate a KALEOZ LiveChat conversation?

When you engage with KALEOZ customer support through LiveChat, you have the opportunity to provide feedback on the service received. After concluding a LiveChat conversation, an automatic popup will appear, prompting you to rate the customer service experience.

1. Rating Options:

Excellent: If you are highly satisfied with the service.

Great: If the service met your expectations and was satisfactory.

Average: If the service was okay but could be improved.

Poor: If the service did not meet your expectations.

Bad: If the service was unsatisfactory.

2. Adding Comments:

Alongside the rating options, there is a space provided for comments. Feel free to elaborate on your experience or provide specific details about the service you received. Your comments can offer valuable insights for continuous improvement.

**In the event that the rating popup does not appear automatically, there's no need to worry. Simply request it from the chat representative, and a chat rating will be sent out manually.