How to pay using Bakong KHQR [USD] in KALEOZ?

Follow these simple steps below to pay with Bakong KHQR [USD]:

Step 1: Choose your products in KALEOZ and then click "Pay Now" to be directed to the next page.

Step 2: On the Payment page, select Bakong KHQR under the online banking via E-wallets section and click on "Pay now" to proceed.

Step 3: Once clicked, you will be provided with a QR code to proceed with payment.

Note: The given QR code can only be used ONCE per order.

Step 4: After scanning the QR code, please log in to your Bakong KHQR wallet and scan the QR code to complete the transaction.

Step 5: Once the transaction is completed, you may contact the seller to deliver your order. You may check your order status under the KALEOZ profile "My Orders" section.