⏳ CHEAPEST ⏳ 266 Diamonds Mobile Legends (NO LOGIN Information Required) (247 Basic Diamonds + 19 Bonus Diamonds) - MALAYSIA ID ONLY

  • Giá
    US$ 3.42 / 266
  • Giao hàng
    720 Phút
This package is CHEAP because slow process NOT INSTANT .Delivery will be completed within ( 1 hour - 6 hours and will be delay up to 12 hours if there is Big Event on that day )

Sản phẩm này đã bị xóa khỏi danh sách. Bạn đang xem hình ảnh chụp của sản phẩm này.

Mô tả sản phẩm

- 266 Diamonds is not fill the requirement for task event recharge 250 Diamonds because this product ( 247 Basic Diamonds + 19 Bonus Diamonds )

Our service is available 12 pm till 12 am GMT+8 ( Malaysia Time ), diamonds would be topped up within ( 1 hour - 6 hours and above)

Please include your UserID, ServerID and Nickname in the User ID column when you order, format: UserID(ServerID)

Before purchase READ THIS FIRST!!!
NO REFUND after purchase, please wait until COMPLETE within the time process. Because i already take noted your order and will be in que order list to be completed.