4 Cursed Games To Play With Your Bestie

Halloween is just around the corner, and what better way than to enjoy some cursed and scary games with your bestie. If you ask us, we think it's better than watching a horror movie. 

Here are 4 Cursed Games for less than RM80 that you can enjoy with your friends.

1. Little Nightmares I and II

Little Nightmares is a puzzle-platform horror adventure game. It's like a dark and creepy version of It Takes Two.

The first Little Nightmares follows the journey of a hungry little girl named Six. She must escape an iron vessel inhabited by monstrous, twisted beings known as the Maw. 

The second Little Nightmares game serves as a prequel to the first game. The story follows Mono, a boy wearing a paper bag over his head, who works with Six, the protagonist from the first game, to survive the horrors of the Pale City and discover its dark, hidden mysteries.

Get Little Nightmares on Steam for RM37 and Little Nightmares II for RM79. If you plan on getting both Little Nightmare games, you can get the bundle for RM150.

2. Phasmophobia

Ahhh... if you haven't heard of the horror sensation, Phasmophobia, Phasmo for short, what rock have you been living under? Phasmophobia is the fear of ghosts and this game lives up to its definition.

Phasmo is possibly one of the most popular multiplayer horror games today and there are over 1.7M followers on the Phasmophobia streams on Twitch. 

Phasmo is a game where you and your friends are paranormal investigators and have to investigate horror-filled events in a haunted house. I tried playing it, and trust me, it's way scarier than any of those paranormal investigations that you watch on YouTube.

You can play Phasmo for RM24.80.

3. Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is one of the most-played multiplayer survival horror games on Steam. The game has about 50-100,000 players and is one of the Top 20 most-played games on Steam.  

If you and your friends are fans of slasher films or horror movies in general, Dead by Daylight is one game you will need to play... at least once. The concept of the game is basically a group of survivors trying to escape the killer. A fun cat-and-mouse game where the survivors have to complete a list of tasks and escape from the killer. Will there be a lone survivor or multiple survivors, or none at all? Play, survive and enjoy!

You can get Dead by Daylight for RM18.

4. Labyrinthine

Labyrinthine is a cooperative horror game where you need to get out of a maze. You and your friends are tasked to solve puzzles, collect items and run from the horrors that lie within the Labyrinth. You can either follow Joan in the story mode or go through different maps that scale with your level and bring a fresh experience to each game.

You can get Labyrinthine on Steam for RM 16.45

Honourable Mentions

  • Friday The 13th
  • Dead Space (the original series)
  • Resident Evil
  • The Evil Within
  • Dayz
  • Fatal Frame
  • Pacify

You can play these games on Steam for less than RM80. Shop for Steam Wallet Codes at a cheap price on KALEOZ today!